Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Decor: Wrapping Paper

Ever since I was fourteen years old, I was our family’s designated gift wrapper. I wrapped everyone’s gift to everyone—including the gifts that were being given to me (of course, they were put into a different box first so I couldn’t tell what it was).  After wrapping a bounty of gifts, you start to get a little creative. Initially, this was in how I wrapped (“What new and interesting shape other than a square can I make?”); now, it’s in what materials I use.

I love making my own gift wrap—it’s cheap, fun, and generally looks better (in a DIY way which, as you can probably guess, I appreciate). Plus, it takes a lot more thought and care (and bragging rights). So today I’m going to show you how to make your own gift wrap: enjoy!

The Shopping List:
Paper Bags (any size)
Tape or Glue
Markers or Paint (I used Sharpie paint pens)
Mod Podge Gloss (optional)
White Glitter (optional)

Start by cutting down the edge of one of the large sides of a paper bag. Now cut the other edge of that side. Cut out the base from the bag (see pictures). With the large piece of paper bag (whole), you now have enough material for a small to medium sized present. For a larger, present, simply glue or tape on other pieces of paper bag to the large piece.

Using the plain side of the paper, begin creating your design. You can choose to do whatever you want (drawing or painting on hearts, trees, snowmen, etc.), I decided to go with a basic swirl pattern. Starting at the corner, draw a curving line and end with a swirl design. From the part where the main curve begins, draw another swirl going in the opposite direction. Repeat this, alternating swirl size, until the entire paper is covered. You can do this with two or more alternating colors, or just use one. As you can see in the pictures, I originally started with silver and red, but my silver pen broke so I restarted using only red, and I like how it looks too. Paint pens dry incredibly quickly, so you don’t need to wait for the next step, otherwise, allow to dry.

For a glossy wrap, mix Mod Podge with white glitter and spread over paper. Warning: It is impossible to use tape on wrapping that has been Mod Podged, so you’ll have to glue the paper together as you wrap your present. Use only if you have extreme patience. Allow Mod Podge to dry, and you’re good to wrap your present as usual! 

My favorite way to decorate a present is with a traditional bow. To do this, take ribbon and pull a large amount of excess from the spindle (do not cut), and begin wrapping the ribbon width-wise around what you want to be the top part of your gift. Once you have it all the way around, twist direction and wrap length-wise. This should create an “x” on the bottom of your present. 

Once you have wrapped the ribbon back to the top of the gift, pull enough ribbon to tie a bow and cut from spindle. Take both loose ends and tuck them under the width-wise ribbon, pulling them out and tying them above the width-wise ribbon in a secure double knot.  Make a bow and double knot it. Trim ribbon ends to desired length. 

If you’re using a curling ribbon, curl by opening scissors wide and placing the ribbon over the blade. Place your thumb over the ribbon and apply pressure as you pull the blade down the ribbon at a fast pace. Repeat until you have reached desired curliness. Note: If you don’t have curling ribbon, attempting to curl will destroy the ribbon).
Sign who the gift is for, and your present is perfect! Stop by tomorrow for how to make your own envelope for gift cards!

6 Days Until Christmas!

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